Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Ten Years Ago... I was 14 and was in 9th grade and thats about it.
5 things on my to do list today... Clean the basement, pay the bills, finish the gift for my
mother-in-law, pack for this weekend, and feed Clayton dinner.
Snacks I enjoy... popcorn, breadsticks, and Dr Pepper
Things I would do if a Billionare... wow, there are a million, but first I would get a nice house, a new truck for Ryan, and a nice car for me. Then I would take the whole family on a vacation.
3 bad habits... biting my lip, interupting people when they are talking, not being patient enough with Clay and Ryan.
Jobs I have had... Copper Rivet as a sales assoc., Hogi Yogi/Teriaki Stix, Tinseltown Theater, Debs as a sales assoc., Skaggs as a phone sales assoc, and Melaleuca in Business Development.
Things people don't know about me... hmmm I like to type and sort paper, and things like that, I always thought that the perfect job would be a secretary because you get to do that all day- kinda weird. I love chocolate but can stand rich chocolate and would prefer a cookie over a brownie, although I will probably eat one of each (but everyone knows that about me).

There is my Tag. I am going to TAG Laura, Natalie, and well everyone else that I know has already done it so thats it.
For those that do not know the rules of TAG: You must answer the questions above and Tag 5 people of your own. (or as many as you can, in my case I don't have that many to tag.)

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