Friday, October 15, 2010

Brody Update

For anyone that has not heard. Brody had his first surgery yesterday. He had to have his tongue sewn to his bottom lip. It will be a semi-permanent thing. It will probably stay until he is 10-12 months old. He did well through the surgery and everything looks good so far. He is kept asleep until Mon. so that he does not move it at all. He will be able to wait until he is 6 months for his heart surgery as long as things stay the way they are. And around the 6-9 months they will do his jaw distraction (pulling it forward). Then around 9-12 months they will correct his palat. We are hoping that the surgery he received yesterday will be all he needs to be able to breath well enough to come home. If all goes well he will come home within the next couple weeks. Thank you everyone for your prayers and support.

1 comment:

Lynette said...

Glad to hear it went well. We'll keep prayin for you!