Sunday, May 13, 2012

So here is an update on life.... for those of you that don't know... Ryan got an intership with Boeing for the summer.  We are very proud of him and super excited about being able to see new places. We have had a ton of fun already. We have been here two weeks now and I am finally going to get some pictures up.  Grandma and Grandpa of course helped us move down here and all the pictures we took were on their camera so those will be forth coming. We were able to unpack the entire apt, get some furniture, and go to the Seattle Aquarium all in the two days that they were here. My parents are amazing and a wonderful help. We don't go more than a couple days without Clayton saying that he misses them and Brody if he could I am sure would say that he misses them everyday.  Anyways, we got here on Friday April 27th, and by Tuesday we were packing up to do a 6 day camping trip.  We started in the Olympic National Forest at the Hoh Rainforest.  It was amazing, and we do not have a camera that does it justice but the pictures are still beautiful. It rained for two days straight! But the kids survived it and here are the pics to prove it.

 These are the cool crazy trees that were covered in moss and they were everywhere!
 Our campsite was a little less rainforest only because we wanted it to be away from the Hoh river which is right behind those tall trees. It was quite a large river and it was gray from glacier sediment.
 Us on a hike in the rainforest. We pushed Brody in the stroller as much as we could.
 A giant slug!! There were a bunch of these green and black and they were big!!
 Clayton hitched a ride! He was an awesome hiker, we went at least three miles on the second day, and he hiked the whole time. This is only for picture sake that he sat on the stroller.
Hanging out in the tent. Brody did not want to wear his beanie so Ryan gave him his Buff. They are great things and it made him look like a little Russian Grandma  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful! We will have to do that. Can't believe those slugs. Good job hiking with a stroller:)